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The Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church Columbarium is a dedicated resting place for the cremated remains of present or former members and their families. It is located outside, on the lower level of the sanctuary building opposite the Kirk Center. There is round-the-clock access. Phase I consists of one section of cabinet, containing 96 niches, each of which may hold two urns. Future phases are planned with a total of 480 niches as well as a memory wall plaque, water features, and site hardscape and landscape enhancements. Designed to be a beautiful addition to our campus as well as a place for meditation and prayer, it also provides a means for our congregation to return to the centuries-old tradition of church burial. Having your remains kept on the property of the church where you have been spiritually nourished and active during your lifetime is a very comforting idea for many. For more information, contact the church office at 404.255.2211.