1. What is a Presbyterian?

The word Presbyterian comes from the Greek word presbyteros, which means “to rule
by elder.” Hence, to be Presbyterian is to be governed by Elders. Our Elders are elected
by the congregation from within the church and, together, make up the governing body
of the church called the Session. The Session oversees the functions of the church as it
pertains to the worshipping life and ministries. It also oversees the operation of facilities
and management of staff.

2. What do we believe?

We are a big tent that provides spiritual space for a diverse group. We come from
different backgrounds, different social groups, different races, and different past
experiences with church. We want to make sure our beliefs and actions continue to
make space for everyone to be a part of our church.

Broadly, we are a part of the Presbyterian Church (USA) denomination and a member
church of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta. We believe that the chief end of our lives is
to glorify God and make God known. We proclaim this glory through the following Triune
ways: We believe this call is inspired by the Holy Scriptures breathed forth by God and
given to the world. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and through his life,
death, and resurrection proclaims the gift of new life and hope. We believe the Holy
Spirit bonds us together and through the communion saints and we see the connection
visibly through the welcoming act of baptism and the abundant joy given by Christ at the
communion table.

A Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, we believe in being a good neighbor to those
around us by inviting all onto our campus. We believe in living life intergenerationally,
making sure that our programs create opportunities for different age groups to love one
another. We believe in offering growing mission partners a safe space to develop on our
campus and supporting them through volunteers and financial aid as they take off. We
believe in caring for one another and knowing one another.

To learn more about what it means to be a Presbyterian, come chat with a pastor! They
would love to share about our beliefs and to hear about your beliefs.

3. What can I expect on Sunday mornings?

MVPC is a church rooted to the Presbyterian form of worship but with the modern
person in mind. This means we have a traditional order of worship and liturgy (see a
sample bulletin) but we also incorporate a guitar and love singing hymns and songs
from various eras. We welcome children to join us in worship and offer a children’s
church for the second half of worship where they enjoy a lesson and an activity.